Picchiatelli Over Malta

In the afternoon of September 2, the Italian Stukas – nicknamed Picchiatello in Italian service- went through their baptism of fire in the Mediterranean when they attacked a naval formation just outside Maltese waters (OPERATION HATS).

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A Malta Song N°605 Squadron

Airmen’s mess songs are famous in the Royal Air Force, more so in wartime where the mess was the only place where the young crews could release the pressure of operations with beer, song and frolic

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N°1435 Flight – From Malta to the Falklands

N° 1435 Flight was born in Malta from a night fighter unit during 1942 to assist in the air defence of the island. Half a century later is now in charge of another island, far, far down in the Atlantic, and in a less genial weather, but the role is still the same.

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Mediterranean 500 Squadron

One of the major operations for the squadron and one of the most important targets in the Mediterranean theatre was when they were detailed to attack the headquarters of Field Marshal Albert von Kesselring, the Supreme Commander in Italy.

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