Malta Aviation Museum Foundation Publications
Publication created and published by the Foundation
Windsock is now published 3 times a year, April/August/December, and is only available and sent free to members of the Foundation. It is the official newsletter of the Malta Aviation Museum and Frederick Galea is the Editor.

This softbound book was first published in 1999 and updated in September 2005. The book contains the names of all known Royal Air Force and Commonwealth Air Forces personnel lost in the defence of Malta, both air crew and ground personnel, up to the end of hostilities in Europe.
- Seige of Malta, June 1940 – October 1942
- Rolls of Honour – Royal Air Force
- Roll of Honour – Commonwealth Squadrons
- Awards for Acts of Bravery
- Fighter Reinforcements
- The Memorials
- The War Graves
- Surviving Wartime Aircraft
- Bibliography/Further Reading

Copies of this publication are
available from the Museum Shop
Price: €7.00
Malta FlyPast
This softbound book is published annually by the Foundation and contains a number of articles written by various authors. Issue 8 is now available and contains articles about both military and civilian aircraft that are part of Malta’s aviation history.
- Foreward
- 14th CAG, 1948 – 1950
- Up in Smoke
- Mediterranean 500 Squadron
- Glider Operations in the Invasion of Sicily
- RAF National Serviceman 1953-1954
- Malta C&TT Squadron/Comm. Flight Meteors
- 800 NAS Sea Hawk shot down by an RAF Canberra
- AFM Airwing – 35th Anniversary
- C-130 Hercules, The Malta Connection
- Those were the days
- Aviation Art of Godfrey Mangion
- 1969 – It was a Very Good Year
- Helicopters – Malta International Airshow, 1993-2004
- Air Malta Current Fleet List – Illustrated
- Aircraft Power Plants at Malta Aviation Museum – Piston Engines
- Emirates – 10 years in Malta
- Airliners – Saviour Schembri Fotoforce
- Vulcans in Malta’s Skies
- Bellman Hangar at Kirkop
- An Airman’s War
- Memories of RNAS Hal Far
- Double Valletta Tragedies
- ‘Screwball’ Beurling – A Malta Hero
Issues of Malta FlyPast 2 thru 7 are still available. Malta FlyPast 1 is out of print.

Copies of these publications are
available from the Museum Shop
Price: €7.00 each
Flypast 8 has 100 Pages including 48 pages in full colour & 188 Photos & Drawings
Buy 2 get the 3rd free!

+356 21416095 (Museum)
+356 21419374 (Office)
Address:Ta’ Qali, ATD 4000, Malta GC
© 2021 Malta Aviation Museum Foundation